Wednesday, December 9, 2009


My heaven... I believe that heaven is perfection. Therefore my heaven would be amazing. It would include many dogs, because I love dogs and wouldn't be without them in my heaven. Also, any close friends or relatives that had passed away should be there as well. Without them, heaven would not be anywhere close to perfect. I would be able to listen to music at anytime and at any volume. But, as of now, I am not sure what heaven looks like. I think that it will be the most amazing sight ever seen.

Who knows.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Lovely Bones

I believe that Susie's father thinks the penguin is in a perfect world because it's just him and the snow, and he doesn't have any problems. I think that Susie does feel trapped in her heaven. She sees it as a perfect world, because every possession she has wanted on earth she can have in her heaven. At the same time though, she can't talk to or be with her family so she doesn't think of it as a perfect world.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Bucket List

My Bucket List

1. Go skydiving
2. Learn to play the guitar
3. Go to Italy
4. Take a cross-country road trip
5. Adopt a dog from a shelter
6. Ride a mechanical bull
7. Go bungee jumping
8. Experience weightlessness
9. See the Northern Lights
10. Ride the 10 largest roller coasters in the world
11. Take up photography
12. Restore a classic car
13. Go to 24 college football games
14. Go to an NFL game
15. Go to Ireland
16. Learn to snowboard
17. Go to college
18. Graduate from college
19. Build a huge snowman
20. Own a ranch
21. Go to Australia
22. Buy and eat a $25,000 chocolate sundae
23. Break a Guinness world record

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

I was trying to learn how to play cittern, when I dropped it on my foot. I stood up and my eyes were milch because it hurt! My foot became bollen and turned purple. I learned that I should wear my brogues when I play cittern so that I do not hurt my foot again.

Insult: "Thou sham'st the music of sweet news by playing it to me with so sour a face." I believe that this means somebody was bringing good news to a guy but he didn't like the messenger so he insulted him.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quotes to Think About

"We never know the worth of water til the well is dry." I chose this quote because I think it's very true. It is almost like "You don't know what you have until you lose it." Which is also very true. It could be meaning anything such as friends or even food.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I was in school. I remember the teachers turning on the televisions to the news as soon as they heard about what happened. I remember seeing the smoking twin towers, but that's about it. I do believe that twenty years from now we will still remember 9/11 because it was a turning point in the history of the United States.
I think the terrorists chose to attack the United States because we are the biggest power in the World. I do not know anyone who was directly affected by the attacks.
If I were to write a story about 9/11, I would write it from the point of view of a person working in the one of the twin towers. My story would show the struggle to get out of the building, and later the effect of the life-or-death situation on the person.
The picture to the left shows how I feel about 9/11. It destroyed buildings and lives, but it unified the country showing outsiders how proud we are to be Americans.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friendship Bellringer

Friendship is more important to me. My beliefs, morals, and values do come first, but my friends are more important to me. I try to have friends that have the same values I do so that we can both have the same viewpoint on situations. Sometimes my friends overpower my values because I will do almost anything for them. But to me, friends come first.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Lovely Bones

I think that this book sounds like a good book to read in class. The book is interesting because it is a mystery and it builds up suspense which will most likely keep me interested in it. I believe that you should choose this book for us to read as a class so that we don't have to read a book that we are uninterested in. It is appealing to me, so I think it would be appealing to the rest of the class. Let's read this book!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Blog?

I think blogs are useful in English class because it allows our teacher to communicate with us away from the classroom. Also, sharing our experiences and learning over the Internet with other people around the world is something fun to do for class.